District Grand Council and Councils in Surrey
The Annual Meeting of the District is held on the first Saturday in December, followed by a luncheon. All Councils in the District of Surrey are encouraged to share the Summons for all of their meetings with all the Brethren of our Order, via routine
circulation to their Brother Council Secretaries.
It is hoped that more regular visiting will take place and that all members of this unique Order will also encourage new members to join us. For geographical convenience our present Councils are shown in two groups as shown below.
Surrey No 64
Meeting at Croydon
3rd Monday in February, 1st Monday in June (Installation) and 3rd Monday in December

Secretary: Michael R Neville
Kyngstun No 102
Meeting at Surbiton
2nd Tuesday in May; 1st Wednesday in September

Secretary: Leonard G Hayward
Pride of Surrey No 128
Meeting at Sutton
1st Tuesday in April, 1st Friday in June

Secretary: Simon Polkinghorn
Surrey Hills Council No 208
Meeting at Redhill
on 3rd Wednesday in April and 2nd Tuesday in November

Secretary: Stephen Harvey
Runnymede No 191
Meeting at Surbiton
1st Wednesday in February and May, 1st Friday in October

Secretary: Eric Trodd
Godalming No185
Meeting at Godalming
2nd Monday in January; 3rd Friday in July

Secretary: Graham J Hancock
Farnham Council No 235
Meeting at The Farnham Masonic Hall
3rd Monday in May (Installation) and 1st Wednesday in November

Secretary: Ian T D Smith
Riverside Council No 212
Meeting at South West Surrey Masonic Centre, Guildford
3rd Thursday in February (Installation) and 1st Tuesday in September

Secretary: Alastair Richardson
Southern Cross, No XIII
Meeting at Guildford
2nd Wednesday in September and by Dispensation

Secretary: Ian Clark