The June meeting of Pride of Surrey Council
At the June meeting of Pride of Surrey Council No 128 held at the Sutton Masonic Hall, 9, Grove Road, Sutton on Friday the 1st, June 2018, our District Grand Prefect R.W.Bro. John Vaughan French was in attendance, in an official capacity with a good number of District Grand Officers of the Year.

R.W.Bro. John, Introduced all the Active District Grand Officers in attendance.
Our District Grand Prefect gave an account of the District meeting and the Hog Roast that will take place in July, he assured us that he was going to continue as Raymond Hussey had done by guaranteeing fine weather on that day. We also had a Grand High Priest Ceremony to do as well as the Installation, which was conducted by W.Bro. Robert Shepherd.
This Ceremony of Installation of James Maitland, was also conducted by W.Bro. Robert Shepherd in a very Sincere Ceremony, considering he only had two days notice, it was indeed excellent effort.
W. Bro. James, then appointed and invested his officers.
A meeting enjoyed by all and rounded off with an excellent festive board provided by Gosto Fina catering.
In total Seventeen attended and Fifteen sat down to dine.
W.Bro. Graham Hancock, PGIG, PDGJW
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