A Busy Morning for Southern Cross Council
In September the Brethren of Southern Cross Council No XIII had a very busy morning with the Installation of a new Master followed by a Degree of St Lawrence the Martyr. Present at the meeting was the District Grand Prefect , RW.Bro. John French, and the Deputy District Grand Prefect, VW.Bro. Frank Powell.
A Degree of St. Lawrence the Martyr was opened by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Bob Hancock. After taking the minutes and receiving the Treasurer’s Report and Accounts for the year, Bro. Ian N Clark was Obligated and Installed into the Chair of Southern Cross Council by W.Bro. Bob in a very sincere manner.

We then balloted for Colin Beerling, Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler of the Order of the Secret Monitor in the Provincial Grand Conclave of Surrey, which proved in his favour.
Bro. Colin was Introduced, Received and Admitted as a Brother of St Lawrence by the Worshipful Master and Officers of the Southern Cross Council. Bro. Colin was welcomed into the Council by the Worshipful Master and into the District by the District Grand Prefect.

After the regular business of the Council was concluded the Worshipful Master, the Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of Surrey, posed for a photograph with the Provincial Executive Present and Past.

To ensure our meetings are melodious we had our resident Liberace, W.Bro. Gerry Yockney, playing for us during the meeting.

To round off a most enjoyable morning the Brethren of Southern Cross Council and their guests sat down to a very convivial lunch at the Guildford Masonic Hall.
Article and photos by Chris Eley, Deputy District Grand Photographer
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