District Grand Council
Of Surrey
The Investiture of a new Deputy District Grand Prefect for Surrey

Frank Powell The Deputy District Grand Prefect, V W Bro Frank Powell, PGReg, has expressed concern that the continuing uncertainty about his medical condition and its treatment will prevent him serving the District as he would wish, and it has been agreed that he will step down in December.

Our DGP, R.W. Bro John V C French, will be appointing and investing a successor, at and effective from, the 1st December Annual meeting of the Surrey District Grand Council which commences from 11.00 a.m. at Croydon. The DGP has chosen W Bro Robert (Bob) Tuthill as his new DDGP, who has accepted this high honour and the associated responsibilities.

Bob Tuthill The DGP would like to put on record his sincere gratitude and appreciation for the considerable commitment and hard work that VW Bro Frank Powell has undertaken, on behalf of the District and wishes him a speedy return to full health.

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