The District Grand Prefect visits Surrey Hills Council
The Surrey Hills Council met at Nutfield Masonic Hall on Tuesday 13th November at 17:15 and were honoured by an Official visit from the District Grand Prefect, RW John V C French accompanied by a perfection of Active District Officers. The Council was opened in the Degree of St. Lawrence the Martyr by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro Alan Hall.

The DGP entered the Council with his Officers and temporarily assumed the Chair to greet all the Brethren, to introduce his numerous retinue, and to receive the minutes of the previous meeting. A superlative performance which left the Council in awe.
The Worshipful Master then installed the Master Elect, Tony Taylor, into the Chair for the ensuing year.
W.Bro Tony Taylor then Admitted Bro Stuart de Fraine Ford of Surrey Council as a Knight of Constantinople. The Agenda was completed and the meeting closed by the new Worshipful Master.
The Brethren present, seventeen in total, then retired for a quick booze-up and a very enjoyable Festive Board. The GDP was assisted to his car.
Article by Alastair Richardson, Secretary Surrey Hills Council No 208, Photo by Bob Tuthill
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