Godalming Council No. 185 - Installation Meeting 14th, January 2019
At the January meeting of Godalming Council, held at the Godalming Masonic Hall on Monday the 14th January 2019, our District Grand Prefect R.W.Bro. John V.C. French was in attendance, in his official capacity with thirteen District Grand Officers of the Year, of this number three are members of Godalming Council.

R.W.Bro. John, Introduced all the Active District Grand Officers in attendance. Our District Grand Prefect gave an account of the District meeting, the Hog Roast that took place in July and his ideas for increasing the membership of the Order in Surrey.
A ballot was taken for two Candidates, Brother Trevor James Sadler and Leslie Rowe Elliott, unfortunately Leslie could not be present at the meeting due to a Hospital Appointment but he will join us at the next meeting in July. After a successful ballot, Bro. Trevor Sadler was admitted into the Degree of St. Lawrence the Martyr by W.Bro. Graham Rawlinson, in a very enjoyable ceremony, Graham also gave the Lecture on the Degree.

The Presiding officer W.Bro. Ross Clark, installed his Successor V.W. Bro. Brian Howlett in a very meaningful and Sincere Ceremony. Brian is an extremely Senior Member of the Order and the only remaining Founder to have not been through the chair, we got him in the end though. V.W. Bro. Brian, then appointed and invested his officers, all of whom were present at the meeting.
The meeting was enjoyed by all and was rounded off by an excellent festive board provided by Avala catering, who did us proud as usual. In total Twenty Four attended and Twenty Two sat down to dine.
Graham Hancock, Secretary Godalming Council
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