District of Southern Counties Meeting, 2nd February 2019
On a cold snowy morning in February the RW District Grand Prefect accompanied by his Deputy W.Bro Bob Tuthill, W.Bro John Coleman and W.Bro Archie Parsons decided to dig there way out of Johns snowbound home in Hampshire and drive down to Botley in the District Grand Prefect’s luxury Land Rover (well it has got heated front seats) which was a fairly unadventful journey, well that is apart from the drivers windscreen wiper flying off on route.

We arrived just in time at the Masonic Hall in Botley to witness RW Bro Richard Dunleavy’s last meeting in charge as the District Grand Prefect for the Southern Counties, a most enjoyable although emotional meeting. After the meeting we enjoyed a fine festive board with Haggis as a starter which was piped into the room and the address given in a most entertaining manner and the brethren at the meeting continued to enjoy a most convivial and friendly lunch and it was especially nice to see so many other members of the Surrey Province present which included W.Bro Anton Smith the District Director of Ceremonies and W.Bro Gordon Stewart, the District Sword Bearer.

The Land Rover made light work of the journey home and it was only on arrival at Archies house, the road was still very snowy and slippery, that Archie informed us to keep the jeep moving and he would do one of his famous parachute jumps out of the rear door of the vehicle, did I mention it was slippery! He landed and rolled ... and rolled... and rolled, luckily not hurt (apart from his pride), unluckily Bob hadn’t got the camera to hand to witness the invaluable training Archie had received as a parachutist.
Overall however an excellent meeting and great companionship throughout the day.
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