Flying the flag at Stoneleigh Mark
In March 2019, Stoneleigh Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 995 celebrated the 75th anniversary of their Consecration in 1944. Present were a number of members of the Allied Masonic Degrees, including our District Grand Prefect, (Assistant Provincial Grand Master), the Worshipful Master of Southern Cross Council, W.Bro. Ian Clark (Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of Surrey), and W.Bro. Chris Eley (Assistant Provincial Grand Master).

W.Bro. Eric Trodd, gave an address on the 75 year history of the Lodge. The Lodge used to meet at Stoneleigh from 1944 to 1979 when it moved to Sutton. It was a Keystone Lodge from the beginning and was the Mother Lodge of Esher Lodge of Mark Master Masons meeting at Chertsey and H A Mann Lodge of Mark Master Masons meeting at Sutton. The Lodge has worked its own special 1926 ritual from the start and received approval to continue to work this ritual after the new ritual was introduced.

Here is a photo of W.Bro. Eric with our District Grand Prefect.
Article and photographs by Chris Eley, District Grand Photographer
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