Pride of Surrey Council welcome two new Candidates into the Allied Masonic Degree
On Tuesday the 2nd April, the Deputy District Grand Prefect paid a visit to Pride of Surrey Council to witness the admission of two new candidates into the order. Bro. Ian Neve and Bro Len (cuddles) Hillier were introduced, received and admitted as a Brother of St Lawrence the Martyr.

The Ceremony of St Lawrence the Martyr was conducted by W.Bro James Maitland in a first rate manner, afterwards the two candidates undertook the degree of the Knights of Constantinople which was performed by Simon Polkinghorne with an excellent performance by Chris Hatton as the Senior Conductor.
Both Candidates were welcomed into the Allied Masonic Degree by the Deputy District Grand Prefect, W.Bro Bob Tuthill who presented them with the obligatory Napkin, a leaflet on the order and one of the new Allied pens to remind them of the occassion. Bob knowing both candidates from other orders thanked them for joining this very friendly Council and hoped that they would enjoy themselves in this beautiful order.

This was a very good natured meeting and the Pride of Surrey having even more candidates in the pipeline are sure of continued success.
The brethren dined together afterwards, enjoying a fine steak and kidney pudding, complete with great conversation and conviviality.
The top photo is of members of the Pride of Surrey Council No.128.
The other photo shows from Left to Right:
W.Bro Bob Tuthill, Deputy District Grand Prefect; Bro. Len (Cuddles) Hillier, Candidate
W.Bro James Maitland, Worshipful Master;
Bro. Ian Neve, Candidate
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