District of Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire Annual Meeting - Saturday 6th April 2009
On Saturday the 6th April, the District Grand Prefect RW. Bro John French accompanied by his Deputy District Grand Prefect W.Bro Bob Tuthill paid a visit to the Annual Meeting of the District of Hertfordshire & Bedfordshire Allied Masonic Degrees at Ashwell House in St Albans.

This was a most enjoyable meeting with the District Grand Prefect for Herts & Beds, RW Bro Geoffrey Cheshire overseeing a very friendly gathering of over 80 brethren in a very packed temple, he also invested at the meeting a new Deputy District Grand Prefect, W.Bro Glen Sapsford in a very nice manner.
Afterwards everybody enjoyed a nice lunch of Cumberland Sausages in the thickest of all Onion Gravy. The atmosphere at lunch was very friendly and relaxed in most convivial company.
The photo shows RW Bro John French and RW Bro Geoffrey Cheshire sharing a pint of Lime and Soda!
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