Deputy District Grand Prefect visits Surrey Hills Council
On Wednesday the 17th April, the Deputy District Grand Prefect paid a visit to his own Council, Surrey Hills Council to witness the admission of two candidates into the Knights of Constantinople which was performed by Alan Hall with an excellent performance by Alastair
Richardson as the Senior Conductor.

This was followed by an equally impressive Grand Tilers of Soloman, this time the work was nicely carried out by the worshipful Master Anthony Taylor to the same two Candidates and the signs and lecture given expertly by Steven Cann of Godalming Council 185.
The two Candidates Peter Skoglund from Riverside Council 212 and Barry Horne of Surrey Council 64, stated how much they had enjoyed the ceremonies and were looking forward to progressing forward in the Allied degrees.
It was especially nice to see Paul Fitzgerald present who on the 25th May will be Installed as the Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler in the Order of the Secret Monitor, congratulations were given to him by all those present.
This was a very good natured meeting and Surrey Hills Members and their guests dined together afterwards, enjoying a fine steak pie, complete with great conversation and conviviality.
The Main photo is of members of the Surrey Hills Council No.208.
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