An Executive Visit to Pride of Surrey Council
In June, Pride of Surrey Council No. 128 was honoured by a visit from the District Grand Prefect, RW.Bro. John French, and a number of Provincial Officers of the year. As the District Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Anton Smith, was also the Director of Ceremonies of the Council I asked the District Grand Prefect if I could act as his Escorting Officer on this occasion. This was agreed and after instruction from Anton we retired outside for the Council to be opened.

A Degree of St. Lawrence the Martyr was opened by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. James Maitland. I was admitted and advised the Worshipful Master that the District Grand Prefect, RW.Bro. John French, together with a number of District Grand Officers was in the ante room and demanded admission into the Council. The District Grand Prefect entered, accepted the gavel and took the Chair. After introducing his team and updating the Brethren on the various District activities he took the minutes and vacated the Chair.

The Council then balloted for Bro. David Harrison as a candidate. This proved in his favour and the Worshipful Master invited Simon Polkinghorne to conduct the ceremony. Bro. David was Introduced, Received and Admitted as a Brother of St Lawrence by the Acting Worshipful Master and his Officers in an excellent manner.
The Lodge of St Lawrence was then adjourned, and the Candidates for the Degree of Grand Tilers of Solomon retired from the Lodge. A Lodge of Grand Tilers of Solomon was opened by W.Bro. Simon Polkinghorne, and Bros. Ian Neve, and David Harrison were Admitted into the Degree of Masons Elect of Twenty Seven and Created Grand Tilers of Solomon.
The District Grand Prefect congratulated Bros. Ian and David and welcomed them into the Order.

The Lodge of Grand Tilers of Solomon was closed and a Lodge of St Lawrence the Martyr was resumed. The next item on the agenda was to install W.Bro. Simon Polkinghorne as Worshipful Master. After the installation ceremony the Brethren were admitted and saluted the newly installed Worshipful Master with three under the direction of the Director of Ceremonies.
The District Grand Prefect congratulated W.Bro. Simon on his installation and wished him a most enjoyable year as the Worshipful Master of the Pride of Surrey Council.

To round off a busy afternoon the Brethren of the Pride of Surrey Council and their guests sat down to an enjoyable festive board at the Sutton Masonic Hall.
Article and photos by Chris Eley, District Grand Photographer
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