The 2019 Hog Roast
The Hog Roast this year was again supported to the maximum with 124 guests in attendance, huge thanks and well done to John Coleman for his hard work in organising the event.
The raffle was also a great success raising £875.00 very much due to the generous support from so many of our guests bringing some wonderful prizes and of course Wendy and her team of helpers for twisting everyone’s arms to purchase so many tickets.
RWBro Raymond Hussey promised us Sunshine and didn`t let us down, well done again Ray and more of the same for next year please! Alan Brockwell kept us all in good order in his inimitable style, and was at hand so as to ensure everything ran so smoothly.
Bob Hancock slid into second place for the best dressed attendee looking rather sharp in his Caribbean ensemble but was topped by a very elegant and beautifully dressed Grace Hussey with her slant on how it should be done in the Caribbean... very well done Grace. We will all dig in a bit deeper into our wardrobes to put her under a bit of pressure next year for our slant on Royal Ascot – Caribbean style!
Having spoken to most of the guests the feedback was very positive so upwards and onwards to next year on the 12th July 2020.
Ray Beadle must also get a mention having signed up another new candidate at the Hog Roast for his Surrey Council... well done Ray, there must be something in the red wine you were pouring!
Our thanks also to the Guildford Masonic Centre for their support in hosting the event and the hard working staff who made sure it was a great success.
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