A Busy Morning for Southern Cross Council
In September the Brethren of Southern Cross Council No XIII had a very busy morning with the Installation of a new Master followed by a Degree of Knights of Constantinople. Present at the meeting was the District Grand Prefect, RW.Bro. John French.
A Degree of St. Lawrence the Martyr was opened by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Ian Clark. After taking the minutes the Council voted on a proposition to make VW.Bro. Frank Powell, PGReg, PDepDistGPrf, an honorary member of the Council. This was carried unanimously.
The next item on the agenda was to ballot for a number of Joining Members. After the Ballot the Worshipful Master and the District Grand Prefect welcomed into the Council, W.Bros. Paul Fitzgerald and Steve Jones; and Bros. Wally Maynard, Stephen Dingvean, and Miguel Godfrey.

After the accounts were presented and confirmed the District Grand Prefect had much pleasure in presenting the Worshipful Master, Ian Clark, the Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of Surrey, with a cheque for £500 towards the Mark 2022 Festival. This was gratefully received with a big thank you to the members of Southern Cross Council.

The Council also approved a donation of £250 in support of the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice.
Next followed the Installation of a new Worshipful Master. Bro. Richard Baker was Obligated and Installed into the Chair of Southern Cross Council by W.Bro. Ian Clark in a very sincere manner. Richard appointed Bro. Denis Leigh as his Senior Warden and Bro. Chris Eley as his Junior Warden.

A Lodge of St Lawrence was then adjourned and a Council of Knights of Constantinople was opened. Bros. Colin Beerling, Richard Wileman and Tim Ford were Admitted as Knights of Constantinople by W.Bro. Richard Baker assisted in an excellent manner by VW.Bro. Brian Howlett who dressed up in a top hat and cane for his role as Conductor.

The Council of Knights of Constantinople was closed and a Lodge of St Lawrence was resumed.
After the regular business of the Council was concluded and the customary photographs taken the Brethren of Southern Cross Council and their guests sat down to a very convivial lunch at the Guildford Masonic Hall.
Article and photos by Chris Eley, District Grand Photographer
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