Flying the flag at the Mark Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge of Surrey
In September the Installation meeting of the Mark Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge of Surrey No 1726 was held at the Croydon Masonic Hall.
After opening the Lodge, the Worshipful Master, VW.Bro. Chris Cradock, PGJO, welcomed our many guests and visitors, which included the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. John French, our District Grand Prefect, along with members of the Present and Past Provincial Executive, and a number of guests from other Provinces.
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW.Bro. Richard Baker, was then invited to install the Master Elect, W.Bro. Terry Carpenter. The VW Deputy Provincial Grand Master invited W.Bro. John French to occupy the Senior Warden’s Chair, VW.Bro. Tony Wright the Junior Warden’s Chair and W.Bro. Chris Eley to act as Inner Guard. He then Installed W.Bro. Terry into the Chair of Adonirum in a very sincere and enjoyable manner.

After the meeting the members of the Mark Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge of Surrey and their many guests dined together in perfect harmony honouring loyal and Masonic toasts.

The members of the Allied Masonic Degrees wore their AMD napkins at the Festive Board. Guess who forgot his napkin – yes the District Grand Prefect.
Article and photos by Chris Eley, District Grand Photographer
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