Flying the flag at the Richmond Lodge Of Mark Master Masons
In October 2019, Richmond Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 808 welcomed to their Installation meeting the Provincial Grand Master, RW.Bro. Ian Clark, with a number of Provincial Officers of the Year.
At the meeting Bro. James Walker was installed into the Chair of the Richmond Lodge of Mark Master Masons in an excellent manner by W.Bro. Tim Ford.
The Provincial Grand Master congratulated W.Bro. James on his installation as the Worshipful Master of the Richmond Lodge of Mark Master Masons and wished him an enjoyable and successful year.
After the customary photographs the Brethren of Richmond Lodge and their many guests sat down to a most enjoyable festive board in the Elizabethan Suite at the Surbiton Masonic Hall. As is now customary at Mark Lodge meetings the members of the Allied Masonic Degrees were wearing their AMD napkins.

Article and photo by Chris Eley, District Grand Photographer
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