The Consecration of Warlingham Consistory
On Wednesday 30th October 2019 at the Redhill and Reigate Masonic Centre, Nutfield Lodge, Redhill, Surrey, the Most Distinguished Companion, Ian Stanley Currans, VI, Grand Summus, Consecrated the Warlingham Consistory number 134 in the Provincial Grand Senatus of Surrey.
The Provincial Grand Summus of Surrey, R.Dist.Comp. Louis M Keats was asked to act as the Deputy Grand Summus for the Ceremony. After the Companions were all seated in the Temple and the Consecrating Officer, M.Dist.Comp. Ian S Currans, accompanied by his Assisting Officers entered in procession.

The Consecrating Officer Dedicated the Consistory and Petitioners were arranged in order in the West while the Consecrating Officer Consecrated the Consistory.
Following the Consecration the Installing Officer Installed the President Elect, R.Dist. Comp. Michael F Barnes, VI, PProvGS, who Appointed and Invested Em.Comp. Chris Eley, as Primus of Lectores, and Em.Comp. Simon McCarthy as Primus of Ostiarii.

The First Officers of the Consistory present were invested by the President. These included Dist.Comp. John French, our District Grand Prefect, as Guarder and Comp. Bob Tuthill, our Deputy District Grand Prefect, as Watchman.

The Consecrating Officer accompanied by his Assisting Officers retired in procession and general Consistory business was conducted. The Consistory was closed and after photographs to commemorate the day were taken we retired to the bar.

We then went into the main dining room where the Founders and their guests dined together in perfect harmony honouring Loyal and Masonic Toasts.
To view all the photographs taken on the day click here.
Article and photo by Chris Eley, District Grand Photographer
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