A Busy day in the Surrey Hills
A bright sunny day at Surrey Hills on Tuesday 12th November when the District Grand Prefect RW Bro John Vaughan Christopher French was warmly welcomed into Surrey Hills Council 208 to witness a lovely Induction of W Bro Keith Waller.
The District Grand Prefect was accompanied by W Bro Bob Tuthill the Deputy District Grand Prefect who is a member of the Council and 10 other active officers as escort.

The Ceremony of Induction was carried out by W Bro Anthony Taylor in a very sincere manner and the
newly installed Master Keith Waller afterwards then proceeded to admit our latest candidate Bro Stephen Butcher as a Brother of St Lawrence the Martyr with all the newly invested officers of the Council
immediately having to perform their duties.
Both the District Grand Prefect and his Deputy warmly welcomed the newest member of the Allied Degree and wished him very many years of happiness in the order and the Surrey Hills Council.

(John French, Stuart Butcher, Bob Tuthill, Keith Waller)
A Grand Council Certificate was also presented on the day to Bro Roderick Ingham in a delightfully informative manner by the District Grand Prefect.
Afterwards the members enjoyed a very tasty meal of fish and chips and banoffee pie at a very friendly and happy festive board where the District Grand Prefect stated how delighted he was to be at the meeting and hoped everybody could attend the Annual District Meeting on Saturday the 7th December 2019.
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