Flying the Flag at Croydon Mark Lodge
In November, our District Grand Prefect, W.Bro. John French, PGJD, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, made an Executive Visit to Croydon Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 198. Also present was W.Bro. Chris Eley, PGSD, Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master, the District Grand Photographer.
The afternoon started off with the Festive Board. An unusual feature of this ‘upside down’ Lodge is that they dine before the meeting to allow the Brethren who may find leaving work early to attend the meetings difficult. As is now customary at Mark Lodge meetings, the members of the Allied Masonic Degrees were wearing their AMD napkins. Our District Grand Prefect remembered his napkin this time but he kindly donated it to W.Bro. Paul Jenner, Master Elect, as he is shortly joining a Surrey Council.

After the meal and the Toasts the Brethren went up to the Temple. The Worshipful Master welcomed, W.Bro. John French, Assistant Provincial Grand Master, to Croydon Lodge. The Assistant Provincial Grand Master introduced the Provincial Team and spoke about the 2022 MBF Festival. After the Minutes of the Meeting had been taken, the Assistant Provincial Grand Master vacated the Chair.
W.Bro. Paul Jenner was installed into the Chair of the Croydon Lodge of Mark Master Masons in an excellent manner by W.Bro. John Fitzgerald. The Address to the Master was given by W.Bro. Chris Eley, the Address to the Wardens and Overseers by W.Bro. Tim Ford, and the Address to the Brethren by W.Bro. John French.

The Lodge was then closed and after the customary photographs the Brethren of Croydon Lodge and their guests retired to the bar.
Article and photo by Chris Eley, District Grand Photographer
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