Flying the Flag at the Mark Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge Meeting
In February the meeting of the Mark Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge of Surrey No 1726 was held at the Croydon Masonic Hall.
After opening the Lodge, the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Terry Carpenter, JP, PGJD, welcomed our many guests and visitors. W.Bro. Richard Knox, PGSD, AProvGM, was declared Worshipful Master and W.Bro. Gary Raggett, ProvGInspWks, was declared Treasurer for the ensuing year.
An interesting and informative talk entitled ‘Blue Badge Tours’ was given by W.Bro. Bryan Gorin. This light hearted talk was very well received by all present.
In the evening the members of the Mark Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge of Surrey and their guests dined together in perfect harmony honouring loyal and Masonic toasts. As is the usual custom, the members of the Allied Masonic Degrees wore their AMD napkins at the Festive Board.

Article and photographs by Chris Eley
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