Flying the Flag at Sanderstead Mark Lodge
In March 2019, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of Surrey, VW.Bro. Richard Baker, PGJO, made a special Executive Visit to his Mother Mark Lodge, Sanderstead No 1742, meeting at Croydon. This was Richard’s last official visit to a Lodge as he will be retiring as Deputy Provincial Grand Master after 20 years as an Active Provincial Officer in the Mark Province of Surrey next week. His successor will be W.Bro. John French, our District Grand Prefect.
After the Mark Lodge was opened VW.Bro. Richard had the pleasure of being escorted into the Lodge by two of his personal guests, RW.Bro. Ray Hussey, Past Provincial Grand Master (our Past District Grand Prefect) and W.Bro. Chris Eley, Past Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
The main item on the agenda was the installation of W.Bro. Antonios Antoniou as Worshipful Master. This was done in a very sincere manner by W.Bro. Clive Harris. VW.Bro. David Blackburn, District Grand Master of the Royal and Select Masters, District of Surrey, presented the Working Tools.
After the Lodge was closed the Brethren of Sanderstead Lodge and their guests gathered for the customary group photograph.
We then sat down to a most enjoyable meal at the Croydon Masonic Hall. Here we have RW.Bro. Ray Hussey, our Past District Grand Prefect, with W.Bro. Bill Bar, Assistant Provincial Grand Master Designate.
RW.Bro. Ray was asked by VW.Bro. David Blackburn to approve the red wine.
As is now the custom at Mark festive boards the members of the Allied Masonic Degrees wore their AMD napkins to promote the Order to Mark Masons.

Article and photographs by Chris Eley, , District Grand Photographer
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