District Grand Council
Of Surrey
Flying the Flag whilst Social Distancing

Our Provincial Grand Photographer has found a use for his AMD napkin now that all Masonic Activities have been suspended. With a bit of green ribbon sown on they make great face masks, as well as advertise the Order.
Flying the Flag whilst Social Distancing Whilst walking in the park one morning he came across an old friend, W.Bro. Nigel Feltham, a Mark Mason, with his dog Molly. Nigel is feeling a little down at the moment as in July he was taking part in the International Nijmegen Walk to raise funds for the Surrey Mark 2022 Festival. This sadly has had to be cancelled. Wanting to cheer him up Chris handed Nigel one of the AMD Napkins hoping that when we are able to meet again Nigel will consider joining the Allied Masonic Degrees.

Nigel will be taking part in the Nijmegen Walk in July next year and hopes that Lodges and individuals will continue to sponsor him to raise funds for our 2022 MBF Festival.

Article and photograph by Chris Eley, District Grand Photographer

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