District Grand Council
Of Surrey
Another Festival donation from the Allied Masonic Degrees to the Mark 2022 Festival

On the 20th July 2020 the Installation meeting of the Fratres Calami Aerariique Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 1704 was held by dispensation at Croydon. To ensure compliance with government guidelines, and instructions from Mark Masons Hall, the meeting was held in the Wheeler Temple at Croydon which is large enough to ensure that social distancing rules could be observed.

Before the meeting started our District Grand Prefect took the opportunity of presenting a cheque for £1,000 to RW.Bro. Ian Clark, Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of Surrey, towards the Surrey Mark 2022 MBF Festival.
Another Festival donation from the Allied Masonic Degrees to the Mark 2022 Festival
RW.Bro. Ian thanked John and the Brethren of the Allied Masonic Degrees for their kind donation, which brings the total donations from Surrey AMD to £4,200.

There were 21 members and guests present at the meeting, including our Deputy District Grand Prefect , Bob Tuthill, who came along to take the photos as our District Grand Photographer, Chris Eley, was busy on other duties.

The Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Barrie Selway, looking resplendent in his new Grand Rank regalia, opened the Lodge and welcomed the members and guests. The Master Elect, VW.Bro. Chris Eley, was presented to the Installing Master, recited his Obligation and was installed as Worshipful Master in a very socially distanced way.
Another Festival donation from the Allied Masonic Degrees to the Mark 2022 Festival
As the Mark Province of Surrey were unable to hold their Annual Meeting in March due to the suspension of all Masonic activity the RW Provincial Grand Master had much pleasure in confirming our District Grand Prefect as Deputy Provincial Grand Master and W.Bro. Bill Barr as Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
Another Festival donation from the Allied Masonic Degrees to the Mark 2022 Festival
After the Lodge was closed the Brethren of Fratres Calami Aerariique Lodge and their guests said their goodbyes. It certainly was a unique and very special meeting, possibly the first following the relaxation of the General Suspension of Masonic Activity.
Another Festival donation from the Allied Masonic Degrees to the Mark 2022 Festival
Article by Chris Eley and photographs by Bob Tuthill

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