The First Meeting of Kyngstun Council
The first meeting of Kyngstun Council No 102 since the Suspension of all Masonic Activity in March was held on the 2nd September at the Masonic Hall, Surbiton. The meeting took place under the recently introduced Covid-19 guidelines from Mark Masons Hall.
The Council was honoured by the presence of our District Grand Prefect, RW.Bro. John French, and our Deputy District Grand Prefect, W.Bro. Bob Tuthill. Being new to all the Covid-19 regulations our District Grand Prefect had to be shown how to wear his face mask.

The Council’s Secretary, W.Bro. Len Hayward, showed him how to wear it.

W.Bro. Roger Short was proclaimed as Worshipful Master for a second year. He was congratulated in a socially distanced manner by our District Grand Prefect.

The Brethren of Kyngstun Council then got together for a socially distanced group photo wearing their new AMD face masks or visors.

After the meeting everyone said how good it was to get together again, albeit in a slightly different way.
On the 1st September Riverside Council 212 held a business meeting at Guildford Masonic Centre, the council was the first masonic unit to do so since lockdown.
The meeting with 9 attendees and the District Grand Prefect was present. The Guildford Masonic Centre has done everything in its power to make it as safe as possible for meetings.
Article and photos by Chris Eley, District Grand Photographer
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