District Grand Council
Of Surrey
Changes to COVID levels and the impact on Masonic Meetings

The announcement by the Secretary of State for Health that London, and other areas face tougher Tier 2 COVID measures is a stark reminder, if one were needed, of the increasing prevalence of the coronavirus which has implications for our masonic activities.

It important that the safety and well-being of all our members is preserved.

Parts of Surrey (currently those within London Boroughs) now fall within Tier 2, a High level of COVID alert. The effect of this is that you are not allowed to meet socially indoors with people from other households.

It is unclear whether these restrictions apply to masonic meetings – so until we have enough clarity on this point, a temporary local suspension of face to face meetings Masonic meetings is imposed. This currently affects all AMD meetings held at Croydon, Sutton, Surbiton.

The remainder of the meeting places in Surrey currently fall within Tier1. These areas are subject to the basic national rules previously in force which means that masonic meetings may continue, provided that the Rule of Six is complied with and the venue is COVID secure.

At present there are no areas in Tier 3, which relates to those areas with the most rapidly rising transmission rates where no masonic meetings are permitted.

A copy of this notice is to be placed in the minute book of all Councils falling within Tier 2, to ensure that continuous working is not interrupted.

In accordance with previously issued instructions, virtual business meetings which enable administrative tasks to be transacted by any Lodge, may continue while face to face meetings cannot take place. Virtual meetings for social and to transact any Lodge business have proved extremely useful for many Lodges and their continued use is encouraged.

Stay safe and well.

R. W. Bro. John VC French
District Grand Prefect Surrey

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