Surrey Hills Council Virtual Business Meeting
A Virtual Business Meeting of the Surrey Hills Council No 235 was held via the Zoom Video Conferencing tool on Wednesday 26th May 2021. There were 12 members and guests of the Council present at the meeting, including our Deputy District Grand Prefect, W.Bro. Bob Tuthill; a member of the Council, and our District Grand Recorder, W.Bro. Alan Brockwell.

Due to some initial technical problems, the meeting was presided over by Council Secretary Alan Hall, in the absence of the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Keith Waller. The permission to meet and the Dispensation were read to the Brethren.
W Bro Bob Tuthill, Deputy District Grand Prefect, and a Council member, was welcomed to the meeting, together with the other guests.
The Minutes of the 12th November 2019 were approved and apologies recorded. The Audited accounts were deferred to the next meeting and would be presented by the Treasurer then.
The Presiding Officer, Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Keith Waller, joined the meeting and proceeded with the remainder of the Agenda.
Alastair Richardson was proposed and elected as Worshipful Master for 2021/22 by the Brethren. James Jones was also re- elected as Treasurer and the Committee members were re-elected.
The Almoner, John Bryant then gave a report on the situation of the Brethren. A Notice of Motion was given that Michael Banbury be made an Honorary Council member and also one relating to proposed Charitable giving.
The Secretary announced that there were two potential new Candidates in the pipeline. With the intention to bring one into the Council at the November meeting.
The Presiding Officer thanked the Brethren for their attendance and declared the meeting closed.
Article and photo by Alan Brockwell
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