The 2021 AMD Hog Roast
The Annual AMD Hog Roast was held at the normal venue in Guildford on Sunday 12th September, albeit a change of date from our 2nd Sunday in July annual event. We are pleased to say that it was very well supported in that we had 120 in attendance.

The Past District Grand Prefect, RW.Bro. Raymond S H Hussey also kept his promise of ensuring that the sun would shine as it always does "on the righteous"!

W.Bro. Alan Brockwell along with his better half Wendy ensured that the raffle was a great success, raising a fantastic sum of £950.00.

A big thank you to W.Bro. Ray Beadle who donated a TV which was won by Mrs Andrew Sales.

The Bubbly flowed and good food was enjoyed in good company by one and all.

W.Bro. Bob Hancock was celebrating his birthday and was happy to receive a melancholy rendition of Happy Birthday, along with a beautiful birthday cake, which he kindly shared and was enjoyed by the guests.

Many thanks to W.Bro. John Coleman for the hard work in arranging another excellent and well supported day, and the staff at Guildford Masonic Centre for all their hard work!
Article by John French and photos by Bob Tuthill
Next year's Hog Roast will be held at Guildford on the 10th of July 2022.
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