The 2021 Annual Meeting of the District Grand Council of Surrey of the Allied Masonic Degrees
After a gap of two years the 2021 Annual Meeting took place on Saturday 4th December at Croydon Masonic Hall.

Brethren of the District of Surrey and their guests started arriving from 9 am where tea, coffee and bacon butties were being served.

District Grand Council were honoured with the presence of the Deputy Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Clive Manuel, and his Escorting Officer, W.Bro. Matthew Hampson, Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies.

Following processions of the RW. Brethren and distinguished guests from other Provinces, the District Grand Prefect, R.W.Bro. John V C French, attended by the District Officers of the year, entered in procession into District Grand Council.

The District Grand Prefect opened the meeting of District Grand Council at 11.00am and welcomed all the guests and visitors.
The Deputy Grand Master and his Escorting Officer entered and was warmly greeted by the District Grand Prefect who thanked him for attending to support our Annual Meeting.

W.Bro. Ian Clark, the Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Province of Surrey was presented with a cheque for £2022 towards the Surrey Mark MBF 2022 Festival. W.Bro. Ian thanked the District Grand Master and the members of District Grand Council for their generous donation.

The District Grand Prefect announced that he had much pleasure in re-appointing W.Bro. Robert Gregory (Bob) Tuthill as his Deputy District Grand Prefect.

The District Grand Prefect appointed and invested the District Grand Officers of the year, and those promoted and appointed in Past District Grand Rank. He then addressed District Grand Council - click here to read the address.
District Grand Council was then closed in due form and the District Grand Prefect retired in procession accompanied by his Deputy, District Grand Officers and Honoured Guests.

After refreshments the Brethren of the District Grand Council of Surrey and their guests sat down to a splendid lunch at the Croydon Masonic Halls.

To view all the photos of the day – click here.
Article and photos by Chris Eley, District Grand Photographer
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