District Grand Council
Of Surrey
A busy day for our District Grand Prefect

Tuesday the 1st of February 2022 was a very special day in the life of Comites Sigillorum Lodge No 1352. Not only were they honoured with a visit from an Assistant Provincial Grand Master; but also present were the Provincial Grand Master, members of the Provincial Executive, present and past and several Provincial Officers of the Year. Our District Grand Prefect, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master in the Mark Province of Surrey was to be installed into the Chair of the Mark Lodge; and they had two Candidates for Advancement.
A busy day for our District Grand Prefect
The Mark Lodge was opened by the Acting Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Brian Johnston, who welcomed everyone, especially the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Ian N Clark, who was saluted with seven under the direction of the Acting Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Paul Wicking, G.Stwd., Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies. A procession was formed to escort W.Bro. Bill Barr, Assistant Provincial Grand Master into Lodge.

The next item on the agenda was the Installation of our District Grand Prefect as Worshipful Master. Worshipful Brother John French was then presented to the Worshipful Master, recited his Obligation, and then installed as Worshipful Master.
A busy day for our District Grand Prefect
The main item on the agenda was to ballot for and Advance Brothers William Harris and Peter Deacon. Brothers William and Peter were advanced in an excellent manner by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. John French, ably assisted by the acting Senior Deacon, W.Bro. David Lawrence.
A busy day for our District Grand Prefect
Brothers William and Peter were welcomed into the Lodge by W.Bro. John French, and into the Order and the Province of Surrey by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master.
A busy day for our District Grand Prefect
After the Lodge was closed the Brethren of Comites Sigillorum Lodge and their guests retired to the bar for refreshments before sitting down to a most convivial meal at the Croydon Masonic Centre.
A busy day for our District Grand Prefect
I think the Secretary, W.Bro. Ray Beadle, was relieved it went so well.
A busy day for our District Grand Prefect

Article by Chris Eley and photos by Bob Tuthill

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