A busy afternoon for Godalming Council
In January, Godalming AMD Council No 185 were pleased to receive the Deputy District Grand Prefect, W.Bro. Bob Tuthill, and several District Grand Officers of the Year. The Deputy District Grand Prefect was escorted by W.Bro. Anton Smith, the District Grand Director of Ceremonies.

A Lodge of St Lawrence was opened by the Worshipful Master V,W.Bro. Brian Howlett. The District Grand Director of Ceremonies, W.Bro. Anton Smith, was admitted and advised the Worshipful Master that the Deputy District Grand Prefect was outside the door of the Lodge and demanded admission. The Deputy District Grand Prefect was welcomed by the Worshipful Master and offered the gavel. The Deputy District Grand Prefect said how good it was to be at Godalming Council and introduced the Provincial team.
The next item on the agenda was to conduct the ceremony of the Holy Order of Grand High Priest. This was conducted in an excellent manner by V.W.Bro. Eric Trodd, who did both the ceremony as Most Excellent President as well as the Lecture. V.W.Bro Mik Barnes acted as Vice President and W.Bro. Ray Seeley as the Chaplain. Barrie Selway acted as Herald and Anton Smith was the Master of Ceremonies.

The Candidates for the Holy Order of Grand High Priest were Hugh Johnstone, the Representative Candidate, Richard Hardaker and Dave Harrison.

The next item on the agenda was to install Bro. Ray Seeley, our District Grand Treasurer, as Worshipful Master. This was done by V.W.Bro. Brian in an excellent manner. After the ceremony W.Bro. Ray was congratulated by our Deputy District Grand Prefect, who wished him a most enjoyable year.

The Lodge was then closed, and the customary photographs taken. After refreshments in the bar the Brethren of Godalming Council and their guests sat down to a most enjoyable meal at the Godalming Masonic Hall.
Article by Chris Eley and photos by Bob Tuthill
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