A busy afternoon for Riverside Council
Riverside Council held a well-attended, first meeting of the year at Guildford on the 17th of February. The visitors included W.Bro. Richard Baker, the District Grand Senior Warden, who at a couple of hours’ notice, was representing the District Grand Prefect, R.W.Bro. John French, whose father had been admitted to hospital earlier in the day. Our best wishes go out to John and his father.

Richard was accompanied by a team of District officers and twenty-four brethren in total enjoyed a great evening with wonderful ritual. W.Bro. Paul Kerswell having been installed as Worshipful Master last September, was proclaimed by the IPM, enabling him to complete a full year in the Chair.
The Lodge of St Lawrence the Martyr was adjourned and a Lodge of The Grand Tilers of Solomon was opened. Bro. Nigel Graham was then Admitted into the Grand Tilers of Solomon in a most able way by the Worshipful Master, Paul Kerswell, assisted by V.W.Bro. Eric Trodd, who entrusted the candidate and presented the Lecture. They were very well supported by the Officers of the Council.

The District Grand Senior Warden then invited V.W.Bro. Brian Howlet to present a Grand Council Certificate to Bro. Miguel Godfrey, which he did in a most accomplished and gentle manner.

After the meeting twenty-two of the brethren sat down to a most convivial Festive Board.
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