All the way to Northumberland and Durham!
The Northumberland and Durham District Grand Council Annual Meeting was held on the 5th of March 2022. It was a happy and well attended meeting with well over 100 attending.
Surrey was represented by W.Bro. Louis M Keats, P.G.J.D., Past District Grand Senior Warden. When the District Grand Prefect, R.W.Bro. Danny Guy, welcomed W.Bro. Louis he thanked him for making such a long journey. To the amusement of the assembled brethren, W.Bro. Louis replied with thanks and said it was only a 40 minute journey from his home in Darlington.
He gave apologies for the District Grand Prefect, the Deputy District Grand Prefect, and the District Grand Secretary, who were on other Masonic business. As usual, refreshments were in good supply and followed by an excellent Festive Board.

The photo is of W.Bro. Louis with R.W.Bro. Danny
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