Sunny Sussex by the Sea
On a very sunny and warm Saturday on the 19th March it was the pleasure of the Deputy District Grand Prefect of Surrey W.Bro Bob Tuthill to visit the District Grand Council of Sussex to witness the legal chaining of the District Grand Prefect of Sussex R.W.Bro Eugene Earland by the Grand Master M.W. Bro Thomas Firth Jackson. Although Gene had been recognised at a District Zoom meeting the previous year, this was the first occasion that we had met together due to Covid to witness his preferment.
The meeting was conducted by Gene isn his usual entusiastic and unigue style which provided a most enjoyable and entertaining meeting.

Bob was accompanied to this meeting by other officers of the Province of Surrey namely, V.W. Bro John Bryant the Past Deputy District Grand Prefect of Surrey, Simon Polkenhorne the District Junior Warden and especially by W.Bro Richard Baker the District Senior Warden who provided an excellent selection of music for Sussex by acting as their organist and providing some of the finest fanfares to recognise the distinguished and senior Allied Masonic members in attendance.
Afterwards we all enjoyed a drink with Gene Earland and an excellent festive Board at the Brighton Masonic Centre.
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