Another busy morning for Southern Cross Council
In April the Brethren of Southern Cross Council No XIII had a another busy morning with a number of Candidates for the Degree of the Red Cross of Babylon. Present at the meeting was the District Grand Prefect, RW.Bro. John French, the Deputy District Grand Prefect, W.Bro. Bob Tuthill, and the Past District Grand Prefect, RW.Bro. Ray Hussey; as well as the District Grand Prefect of the District of the Southern Counties, R.W.Bro. Mike Wheelan who had brought along a coachload of Candidates for the Degree of of the Red Cross of Babylon, with many Southern Counties Brethren to support them.

A Degree of St. Lawrence the Martyr was opened by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Chris Eley. After taking the minutes we balloted for W.Bro. Nigel Harding, Bro. Ray Seeley, and W.Bro. Simon McCarthy as joining members of the Council. This proved in their favour, and they were welcomed into the Council by the Worshipful Master.
A Lodge of St Lawrence was then adjourned and a Council of Red Cross of Babylon was opened. A number of Brethen were Constituted and Created as Knights of the Red Cross of Babylon. The representative candidate was Bro. Kevin Brennan, from Riverside Council, a very good friend of our District Grand Prefect.

The Rev. Prelate was W.Bro. Brian Howlett and the Thrice Illustrious Sovereign was VW.Bro. Michael Barnes. The Lecture was given by Bro. Richard Baker.

The Worshipful Master then invited our District Grand Prefect to present a Grand Council Certificate to Brother Colin Beerling, the Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler of the Provincial Grand Conclave of Surrey in the Order of the Secret Monitor.

Bro. Denis Leigh was then elected as the Worshipful Master for the ensuing year and W.Bro. David Willmott was elected as Treasurer.

To round off a most enjoyable morning the Brethren of Southern Cross Council and their guests sat down to a splendid lunch at the Surbiton Masonic Hall.

Article and photos by Chris Eley, District Grand Photographer
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