A Candidate for Kyngstun Council
On Tuesday the 10th of May 2022 Kyngstun Council No 102 received their first candidate for the Degree of St Lawrence the Martyr since 2016. As the Council was low in numbers and needed support our District Grand Prefect persuaded four of us to join the Council at the last meeting in September 2021.
Not wishing to ask anyone to do something he would not do himself R.W.Bro. John also joined the Council at the same time. It was therefore gratifying to be able to receive our first Candidate from Richmond Lodge of Mark Master Masons, Brother Scott Burns, introduced by W.Bro. Chris Eley, the Senior Warden.

It was also good to hear that we had another joining member, Brother Ray Johnson, from West Kent Council No. 66.

The Council was opened by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Roger Short. After the regular business of the Council had been completed the Ballot was taken for Bro. Scott Burns. This proved in his favour and the Worshipful Master invited W.Bro. Barrie Selway to conduct the Ceremony of the Degree of St Lawrence.
This was done in an excellent manner by W.Bro. Barrie and the Officers of the Council. After the Worshipful Master had resumed the Chair he thanked W.Bro. Barrie for conducting the ceremony so well.

Our District Grand Prefect, wearing an Almoner’s hat, has spoken at length with V.W.Bro Bryan Page who reported that he is in good health, albeit not as mobile as he would like to be, and wished to pass on his best wishes to everyone, and congratulations to Brother Scott for joining our wonderful Order. He hopes that he will be able to see us again soon.
The Lodge was then closed and, after the usual photographs, we retired to the bar for refreshments before sitting down to a most convivial meal at the Surbiton Masonic Hall.
Article and photos by Chris Eley, District Grand Photographer
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