A Badge for the Deputy District Grand Prefects
When W. Bro Brian Ward was appointed to the office of Deputy District Grand Prefect for the District of Kent in 2022 his wife Toni thought she would surprise him with a humorous gift to mark to occasion. The gift in question was a Deputy Prefects Badge of the type used in schools.
To say Brian was delighted was an understatement, he absolutely loved it and thought he would set about giving all of the other Deputy District Grand Prefects a badge of their own.
At the Essex Allied District Meeting held at Southend on Saturday 14th May 2022 Brian tracked down the other Deputy District Grand Prefects who were in attendance and offered them a badge of their own. They readily accepted, and with beaming smiles immediately pined the badge to their lapel and group photograph was taken to mark the occasion.

The Deputies in attendance were from Southern Counties, East Anglia, Kent, Essex, Surrey (our very own Bob Tuthill) and East Midlands (insert)
The task for Brian now is to visit and distribute badges to the other Deputy District Grand Prefects from the remaining twelve districts.
What a lovely job.
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