Visit to the District of Yorkshire
On 28 April the AMD District of Yorkshire held their Annual District Grand Council at Castle Grove House Masonic Centre in Leeds. Surrey was represented by W.Bro. Louis Keats, P.G.J.D., P.Dist.G.S.W.
A new District Grand Prefect. R.W.Bro. Brian Butterfield (pictured here with W Bro Louis) was Installed in splendid style by the Grand Master, M.W.Bro. Thomas Firth Jackson, in a packed temple.

A convivial Festive Board followed with over 100 dining. Before thinking that W.Bro. Louis was being heroic, it is only a 60 miles drive South from Darlington for him nowadays, not 200 plus miles from Surrey.
Article and photo by Louis Keats
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