The Installation Meeting of Southern Cross Council
In September the Brethren of Southern Cross Council No XIII held their Installation meeting at the South West Surrey Masonic Centre, Guildford. Present at the meeting was our District Grand Prefect, RW.Bro. John French and many other Heads of Surrey Orders.

A Degree of St. Lawrence the Martyr was opened by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Chris Eley. As a mark of respect to our late Queen, members wore black ties and observed a silent tribute. The brethren then observed a silent tribute for the passing of our Past Grand Master, MW Bro Timothy John Lewis and our much-loved member, W Bro Peter Ernst Ribi.
The WM welcomed all present and particularly our District Grand Prefect, the past District Grand Prefect, the District Grand Prefect for Southern Counties and VW Bro Laurie Brookes. After taking the minutes the Worshipful Master invited our District Grand Prefect to present a Grand Council Certificate to Bro. Richard Wileman, which was done in a very informative manner.

Council then voted on a proposition to welcome as a re-joining member, V.W.Bro. Laurence Brooks, P.G.Reg., and as a joining member, R.W.Bro. Michael Whelan, District Grand Prefect, Southern Counties. This was carried unanimously. The Worshipful Master welcomed them into the Council and our District Grand Prefect welcomed them into the District.
After the accounts were presented and confirmed, the outgoing Master, W Bro Chris Eley, expressed his pleasure at the honour of having served as Master during the past year. Then to help the Secretary, whose pre-prepared minutes reported that he then thanked the officers and others who supported him during the past year – he did just that! He then asked R.W.Bro Ray Hussey to act as Senior Warden, W.Bro. Ian Clark to act as Junior Warden, and V.W.Bro. Arnold Long to act as Inner Guard, during the installation.
The Master Elect, Bro. Denis Dixon Leigh, was presented to the installing Master, W.Bro. Chris Eley and answered in the affirmative the questions put to him. Brethren below the rank of Installed Master in this degree retired and a Board of Installed Masters was opened. Bro. Leigh was then duly obligated, invested, entrusted, installed and saluted. W.Bro. Chris Eley was invested as IPM. R.W.Bro. John French congratulated W.Bro. Leigh on behalf of the Installed Masters present.
The Board was closed and the brethren admitted. W.Bro. Leigh was then proclaimed and greeted. He then expressed his appreciation at the excellent ceremony and looked forward to a happy and successful term of office. He said that he felt very honoured to be among so many “luminaries”. He then appointed and invested his Officers.

W Bro Richard Baker was then invited to invest the Worshipful Master with a splendid Worshipful Master’s collarette he had acquired for the Council, and had presented to W.Bro. Chris a year previously.

The Worshipful Master then thanked those who had assisted in the ceremony. The District Grand Prefect congratulated the Master and all present on an excellent meeting with special thanks to W.Bro. Gerry Yockney. P.G.I.G. for providing us with music at the meeting.
(insert photo: 2022_09_21 Southern Cross AMD Council 005.JPG )
After the regular business of the Council was concluded and the customary photographs taken the Brethren of Southern Cross Council and their guests went into the bar for refreshments…

…before sitting down to a very convivial lunch at the Guildford Masonic Hall.

Article and photos by Chris Eley, District Grand Photographer
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