My visit to Riverside Council
Episode 2 of my personal progress in the Allied Masonic Degrees.
The story so far...back in April, together with John Ward, I was Introduced, Received and Admitted as Brother of St. Lawrence the Martyr and then Admitted as a Knight of Constantinople, at Farnham Council - Meeting new friends in Farnham.
The plan was that John and I plus one or two others would receive the next Degree, that of the Grand Tilers of Solomon at the November meeting of the Council. Without giving too much away, this Degree is very similar in character to the degree of 'Select Master' in the Order of Royal and Select Masters and relates the story of the accidental intrusion of a craftsman into the secret vault of The Temple, where the three Grand Masters determine his fate.
Having been made aware that Riverside Council No.212 in Guildford was carrying out this degree, I decided to put the accidental intrusion to the figurative test and gate-crash the meeting!
For a number of reasons, several members of the Council were absent, including the Worshipful Master, Paul Kerswell. But amongst those present was the District Grand Prefect, R.W.Bro. John French, who was welcomed in due form by I.P.M and acting W.M., W.Bro Graham Rawlinson.

Bro. William Barr was elected as Master for the forthcoming year, while W.Bro. Graham Beer was elected as Treasurer, allowing the long-suffering incumbent, V.W.Bro. Lionel Mee, a well-deserved retirement.
The candidate, Gary Raggett, and I were then asked to leave the Council and a Lodge of Grand Tilers of Solomon was opened. Rest assured, although the Candidates initially gained unauthorised access to the secret vault everything ended well and, after deliberation, we were Admitted as Grand Tilers of Solomon.

As already mentioned, for a number of reasons several members of the Council were absent but that did not detract from the quality of the ritual, especially the guest performance by W.Bro. Barrie Selway of the Lecture.
After customary refreshments, Guildford Masonic Centre's caterers provided a festive board of their usual standards.

Riverside Council No.212 meets at the South West Surrey Masonic Centre in Guildford on the 3rd Thursday in February (Installation), and the 1st Tuesday in September.
Article and photographs by Andrew Banks
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