A Good ‘Knight’ at Surrey Council No. 64
There was another friendly and fun meeting in the District's fastest growing Council with Surrey No. 64 holding their last meeting of 2022 at Croydon on 19th December. They were supported by the Deputy District Grand Prefect, WBro Bob Tuthill.

Four members became Knights of Constantinople, with the ceremony delivered by WBro Mike Neville, who also gave a short presentation regarding the historical setting of the degree and its possible American origin. The Council also voted to donate £100 to a mental health charity. At the Festive Board, the Master, WBro Norman Jones, encouraged the brethren to continue recruiting new members.

The next meeting will be held on 20th February 2023, with two ceremonies - St Lawrence and Grand High Priest. If you wish to attend contact the secretary via mrmikeneville@aol.com
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