Devon and Cornwall District Meeting
A very early start for RW Bro John French and W Bro Bob Tuthill to attend the District of Devon and Cornwall’s Allied meeting in Plymouth on the 29th July.
What started as a very drizzly and foggy morning turned into a glorious day both weather wise and for the meeting at the Mount Edgcumbe Masonic Centre.

RW Bro Barry Slade the District Grand Prefect for Devon and Cornwall presided over a very friendly meeting of his District despite the set back of his District Grand Secretary W.Bro Martin being taken into hospital the day before and therefore this meant he had to work without notes.
This combined with the national rail strike meant that some members from around the country were unable to attend which also meant a slightly depleted turn out.

Despite this Barry was supported by eight District Grand Prefects from around the country who had managed to get to Plymouth to be warmly greeted by one of the friendliest District Grand Prefect’s, and afterwards witness a most enjoyable District Meeting and Festive board in very good company.
Time seemed to go very quickly and it wasn’t ’t long before it was time to depart the beautiful countryside of Devon and make the long trip back to Surrey.
We are all looking forward to returning next year.
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