The Holy Office of Grand High Priest… James Smith presents a Candidates view of the evening
I will remember Tuesday 14th November for two reasons - As I set out for Redhill the sky opened and the roads swiftly filled with blocked drains, one of which I was the recipient of a lorry driving through at speed soaking my suit. Luckily I was near enough to home to dash back and change. Arriving, in a dry state I went up to the temple room but needless to say I wasn’t best pleased and not in the happiest of moods.
The second and most important reason I shall remember this day was being admitted to the Office of High Priest. The majority of the work being carried out by the Most Excellent President V.W.Bro Eric Trodd, who delighted all who were there and left me trying to remember everything that was said, from the tongue twisting readings from the Chaplain, W.Bro Bob Tuthill the DDGP, or the description of the battle of four kings against five. I apparently represented Abram returning from my journey after the battle of the kings and being received by Melchizedek. Of all the Allied degrees this one seemed the most complicated to carry out especially when I was entrusted with the various signs, words and grip - no less than ten!

The DGP congratulating James Smith on receiving the Holy Order of Grand High Priest and V.W. Bro Eric Trodd on performing such an excellent ceremony
I must give my thanks to all the Brethren that made the evening so special for me because now I was very pleased and in the very happiest of moods.
A very full itinerary for the evening concluded with the election and induction of W.Bro Alan Hall as the WM for the ensuing year, who appointed his officers in a lovely manner, This was followed by the RW Bro John French, the District Grand Prefect discussing Recruitment and Retention and how the Surrey Hills Council deserved to have new members to witness what was a most enjoyable performance of the Holy Order of Grand High Priest Degree.

The Worshipful Master W.Bro Alan Hall with the Officers and Members of Surrey Hills Council

Our Cheerful Secretary W.Bro. Steve Harvey would welcome any application for membership
The next meeting of Surrey Hills Council is on the 17th April 2024 when the Council will be having a white table evening with a presentation to an audience of Mark Master Masons who are not yet in the Allied, therefore the Council would be very pleased to welcome any Mason who would like to join this beautiful degree in Masonry.
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