The Annual District meeting of London
Surrey were well represented at the Annual Meeting of the AMD at Mark Masons Hall in London.
The District Grand Prefect R.W.Bro John French was accompanied by his deputy W.Bro Bob Tuthill, the Past District Grand Prefect for Surrey R.W. Bro Ray Hussey, the District Grand Secretary W.Bro Alan Brockwell, and the District Junior Warden Derek Williamson.

A really excellent meeting was presided over by the District Grand Prefect of London, R.W.Bro Colin Woodcock, M.B.E., despite an Installation for a new DGP for Cumberland and Westmoreland, the meeting was well represented by DGP’s and members from all over the country and four new members were also present.
Another successful meeting for London with most enjoyable musical fanfares from Dougie Black the District Organist and well organised by the District Grand Secretary Scott Cargill.

A wonderful festive board at Mark Masons Hall finished off the day well and I am sure we are all looking forward to attending next year.
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