Go West…
It was a 5am start for the Deputy District Grand Prefect on Saturday the 27th January to attend the first District meeting of the new year.
Making his way to meet up with the District Grand Prefect’s home in Hampshire they both travelled up to Burton on Trent for the West Midlands District Meeting, being a crisp clear morning they made very good time and covered the rest of the journey in a little over three hours in time for the customary coffee and bacon rolls.
![Go West…](News/News-Photo-0176-01.jpg)
The meeting was very well supported as being held in the middle of the country it attracted a lot of Districts from both the North and the South.
The District meeting of the Grand Council of West Midlands was very well presided over by RW Bro Joe McCollum and his team, especially the Director of Ceremonies W.Bro Kerry Parkes the Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies and well represented by the eleven Councils in the West Midlands. Our District Grand Prefect RW Bro John French was delighted to catch up with other DGP’s.
![Go West…](News/News-Photo-0176-02.jpg)
The above photo shows him with RW Bro Paul Snape, the DGP from West Lancashire and RW Bro Gene Earland, the DGP from Sussex.
Likewise the Deputy District Grand Prefect Bob Tuthill enjoyed sharing information with his fellow deputies.
![Go West…](News/News-Photo-0176-03.jpg)
The photo above shows Bob with W.Bro Ian Taylor the DDGP of Sussex and W.Bro Tony Edwards the DDGP from Essex.
Also at the meeting were welcomed the Deputy Grand Master from The Mark Master Masons RW Bro Francis Spencer and MW Bro Andrew Sweeney the Grand Master of the Order of the Secret Monitor.
![Go West…](News/News-Photo-0176-04.jpg)
All the brethren ended a very tasty festive board after the meeting in a most convivial atmosphere.
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