A busy afternoon for Kyngstun AMD Council
Tuesday the 14th of May was a busy day for Kyngstun Council No 102. Not only did they have two candidates for the Degree of St Lawrence the Martyr, but they followed that with the Degree of Knights of Constantinople for their Candidates.
The meeting was opened by the Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Barrie Selway, who welcomed everyone to the meeting. V.W.Bro. Mik Barnes, who kindly acted as Junior Warden for the afternoon, gave Eulogy to W.Bro. Laurie Young, an Honorary member of the Council. The Brethren stood in memory of this well loved and respected Mason.
A ballot was taken for two Brethren to be admitted to the Degree of St Lawrence the Martyr, Brother Jim Agnew of Richmond Lodge of Mark Master Masons and Brother Nael Clarke, of Pride of Surrey Lodge of Mark Master Masons. This proved in their favour and the Worshipful Master invited W.Bro. Chris Eley, P.Dist.G.S.W., to admit his Candidates.
Brothers Jim and Nael were admitted to the Degree of St Lawrence the Martyr in an excellent manner by W.Bro. Chris, ably assisted by the Officers of the Council, including two of our new members, Brothers Tim Ford and Wayne Lucas who acted as Deacons. The Lecture was given by W.Bro. Barrie Selway in an excellent manner.
![A busy afternoon for Kyngstun AMD Council](News/News-Photo-0183-01.jpg)
Afterwards W.Bro. Chris congratulated his Candidates and. on behalf of our District Grand Prefect, welcomed them into the Order and presented them with the usual pack of goodies. W.Bro. Barrie then resumed the Chair.
The Lodge of St Lawrence the Martyr was adjourned and the Worshipful Master invited W.Bro. Nigel Harding to act as Chief of the Builders, and W.Bro. Chris Eley to act as Conductor.
The Council of Knights of Constantinople was opened by the Illustrious Potentate and Brothers Jim and Nael were admitted Knights of Constantinople in a very enjoyable ceremony by the Illustrious Potentate and Conductor. The Lecture in this Degree was also given by W.Bro. Barrie Selway in an excellent manner.
![A busy afternoon for Kyngstun AMD Council](News/News-Photo-0183-02.jpg)
The Council of Knights of Constantinople was closed, and the Degree of St. Lawrence the Martyr was resumed. Bro. Stuart Hogarth was declared as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year.
After the regular business of the Council had been concluded, the Lodge of St Lawrence was closed and after the customary photographs we retired to the bar for refreshments.
![A busy afternoon for Kyngstun AMD Council](News/News-Photo-0183-03.jpg)
To round off a very enjoyable afternoon the Brethren of Kyngstun Council sat down to a most convivial meal together at the Surbiton Masonic Hall.
![A busy afternoon for Kyngstun AMD Council](News/News-Photo-0183-04.jpg)
Article and photos by Chris Eley
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