District Grand Council
Of Surrey
The AMD Hog Roast

And the award to the person wearing the most ‘striking’ HAWAIN SHIRT is…

A super way to end an extremely well supported get together at Guildford Masonic Centre. However, let me start at the beginning. This relative new boy has never attended such a gathering but I was in good company. Over a hundred men including wives and partner attended this sold-out event. No there were no touts outside the door! And parking was fine. When we went upstairs, there was already a sea of well known faces and the attached pics will give you some idea of the gathering. The weather was kind to us and many enjoyed the views on to the Wey and beyond. It really is a special centre. Inside was a conversational hubbub of people pleased to meet each other and exchange up to the minute, latest goings-ons. There was also the matter of a certain big game to discuss.

The bar staff were in attendance and looked after us all with good grace as drinks were bought, drunk and reordered. There was a very pleasant atmosphere and it was so good to see one or two friends whom we had missed at previous meetings. A quick peek into the dining area revealed a smartly laid out venue with over a dozen table beautifully arranged. Staff were on hand to help where required but the lounge area was the place to be. The indefatigable District Grand Prefect, Right Worshipful John French was much in evidence together with that able photographer, W. Bro. Bob Tuthill and the District Grand Secretary, Bro. Trevor Sadler. One has to admire the effort that the leader of this group puts in to his work. He was not content with just sitting with his family but insisted on visiting each table and serving sparkling wine to all and sundry. Many a pic of smiling faces were taken and will appear in a future edition of ‘The Gridiron’. Alan Brockwell supervised the French family young adults and other young members of families who were able to sell a terrific amount of raffle tickets. Their role was not only to encourage us to be in it to win it but also to deliver a fantastic amount of serious prizes to those who had bought tickets. A speedy outcome to the delivery of dozens of prizes to very happy recipients. But that was for later.

The time had come to take our places according to plan, meet new friends and say hello to those we already knew. The repast was well delivered and the main course was collected from our chef outside in the lovely summer afternoon and accompanied with a generous serving of sides. crackling and stuffing complimented the hog which was consumed with great delight with quite a few members and their partners being encouraged to return for a welcome second helping. Staff saw to it that all were well looked after and their pleasant manner enhanced that part of our afternoon.

After we had partaken of a very good selection of desserts, we were provided with cheese and biscuits and could serve ourselves with tea or coffee. Staff were in attendance to see that those needs were catered for.

The celebration of the Allied Masonic Degrees continued with a tremendous raffle of dozens of prizes and everyone had a smile on their face. A television and another six super prizes were given to many a surprised raffle ticket purchaser. They were dutifully delivered by young members of the French family, well marshalled by “Uncle” Alan Brockwell. Right Worshipful Bro. John French gave a very brief speech and thanked us all for the five figure plus sum we had all contributed to that afternoon. What a splendid way to spend a Saturday afternoon in July. Oh yes, W. Bro. Ian Smith won a big thankyou from The District Grand Prefect for his very striking Hawaiian Shirt!!!

Photos by Bob Tuthill

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