District Grand Council
Of Surrey
Diamond Jubilee of AMD Council 64

On the 10th of July 1964, when House of the Rising Sun by the Animals was Number 1 and Alec Douglas-Home was Prime Minister, Allied Masonry arrived in Surrey with the consecration of Surrey Council No. 64 at Croydon.

Then, there were no District GrandPrefects, and all Councils were Controlled from London. Over time the Council was part of the Southern Counties District, and then our own Surrey District was formed. The Council continues to be a thriving unit, with lots of fun.

On Tuesday the 10th of July Surrey AMD Council 64 celebrated their Diamond Jubilee by Introducing, Receiving and Admitting to the Degree of St Lawrence four candidates - in the presence of our District Grand Prefect. In addition, we saw the Installation of W.Bro. George Rodger (the longest serving member) as Master.

Present at the meeting was the Provincial Grand Summus of the Grand Senatus of Surrey in the Order of the Scarlet Cord, Arnold Long, seen here congratulating his successor, Nigel Thomson. The Worshipful Master, W.Bro. Barry Thomas, welcomed everyone to the Diamond Jubilee meeting, displayed the warrant and opened the Council in the Degree of St Lawrence the Martyr with the assistance of the Wardens, Zimmo as Senior Warden and Steve as Junior Warden.

The Secretary then read the Dispensation permitting the change to the meeting date. W.Bro. Bill Barr, Deputy District Grand Director of Ceremonies, entered the lodge and announced the presence of R.W.Bro. John French. A procession was formed, and the District Grand Prefect entered the Council, with a retinue of District Officers.

The Master offered the gavel and R.W.Bro. John took the Chair. He was saluted with seven and introduced his officers, which included the Deputy District Grand Prefect, W.Bro Bob Tuthill, also W.Bro. George Rodger and the Master. The District Grand Prefect noted the presence of his predecessor, R.W.Bro. Ray Hussey, the Past District Grand Prefect, V.W.Bro. Bryant, the Past Deputy District Grand Prefect, and W.Bro. Chris Eley, who produces the Gridiron newsletter.

The Master invited W.Bro. Mike Neville, to take the Chair to install W.Bro. George Rodger. This was done in Mike’s very special way. W.Bro. George was then congratulated by the District Grand Prefect who wished him a successful and enjoyable year.

A ballot was held for four candidates. The ballot proved unanimously in favour and the candidates were introduced, received and admitted to the Degree in an excellent manner by the Worshipful Master. An illustrated version of the lecture was given by W.Bro. Neville.

The Master thanked all involved in the ceremony and the District Grand Prefect welcomed them into the Order and presented the candidates with booklets on the Order and an AMD napkin. W.Bro. Mike Neville gave a short talk on the formation of the Council and its founding members, including its Primus Master, W.Bro. Eric Norman Le Fre.

The District Grand Prefect was invited to present BrothersTatum, Holden, Larkin and Oddy with their certificates, which was done in a warm and friendly manner.

A cheque for £200 for 'Man Van' cancer charity was presented to the District Grand Prefect, who thanked the Council.

It was also proposed by W.Bro. Mike Neville and seconded by the Master that the Council donate £100 to sponsor W.Bro.Simon McCarthy’s bike ride in aid of Cancer Research UK. The vote proved unanimously in favour and W.Bro. McCarthy thanked the Council for its sponsorship.

The Lodge was closed and after photographs the Brethren of Surrey Council and their many guests retired for refreshments before sitting down to an enjoyable meal together at the Croydon Masonic Hall.

Article by W.Bro Chris Eley

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